When you use client_socket.send(data),replace it by client_socket.send(data.encode()). When you get datausing data = client_socket.recv(512), replace it by data =client_socket.recv(512).decode()
In python 3, bytes strings and unicodestrings are now two different types. Since sockets are not aware of string encodings, they are using raw bytes strings, that have a slightly differentinterface from unicode strings.
So, now, whenever you have a unicode stringthat you need to use as a byte string, you need toencode() it. And whenyou have a byte string, you need to decode it to use it as a regular(python 2.x) string.
Unicode strings are quotes enclosedstrings. Bytes strings are b"" enclosed strings
原来在python3里面,bytes strings和unicode strings已经是不同的两个类型的(是不是说python2里面是同一类型?不清楚)。由于套接字并不关心字符串的编码方式,他们使用原字节字符串(raw bytes strings)进行传输,而这个类型又和unicode strings又有一点小小的不同。
因此,现在任何时候你要是有一个unicode strings需要把它转化为byte string,你需要对他进行encode操作。当你有bytes string的时候,你需要decode操作。
unicode strings =encode()=》 byte strings
byte strings =decode()=》 unicode strings